A participatory process is a sequence of participatory activities (e.g. first filling out a survey, then making proposals, discussing them in face-to-face or virtual meetings, and finally prioritizing them) with the aim of defining and making a decision on a specific topic.
Examples of participatory processes are: a process of electing committee members (where candidatures are first presented, then debated and finally a candidacy is chosen), participatory budgets (where proposals are made, valued economically and voted on with the money available), a strategic planning process, the collaborative drafting of a regulation or norm, the design of an urban space or the production of a public policy plan.
Highlighted processes
SAVE THE DATE : Two creative workshop meetings with children of the Istituto comprensivo Antonio Montinaro!
On the 17th February there will be held two meetings at the Istituto comprensivo Antonio Montinaro organized by CooperACTiva, in collaboration with Luiss, LabGov, Co-Roma and a.DNA. The associations will meet the children of two classes, a fifth grade and a sixth grade, to co-create a participatory work on the wall of the school. We believe that it is necessary and right to give students a voice by involving them in the creative process and for this reason, we have organized two workshops, the first at the 1st grade school in Via Vitaliano Ponti 30, and the second at the primary school G. A. Marcati in Via Rugantino 88. In...
Co-creative participatory work on the wall of the school
On February 17 two meetings were held at the Istituto comprensivo Antonio Montinaro organized by CooperACTiva, in collaboration with Luiss, LabGov, Co-Roma and a.DNA. The associations met with the children of two classes, a fifth grade and a sixth grade, to co-create a participatory work on the wall of the school, in which the children had the opportunity to suggest potential words to be included in the work.
SAVE THE DATE: Workshop at the Theatre of the Parish of St. Bonaventure "John Paul II, Actor" on the 22nd March
On Tuesday, 22 March, at 6.30 p.m. at the Theatre of the parish of St. Bonaventure "John Paul II, Actor" a workshop will be held with the Torre Spaccata Network.
Dr. Maria Rosaria D'Alfonso, Headmaster of the Istituto Comprensivo "Antonio Montinaro" will present some proposals for an educational project that would involve CooperACTiva.
Among the other participants, at the meeting there will be present:
- Prof. Fernando Christian Iaione - Professor of Constitutional Law at Luiss Guido Carli Rome.
- Ilaria Cini - CooperACTiva will present the project, the mural that is being prepared and some future projects.
The third event in line with the European OpenHeritage project, dedicated to Centocelle by the artist Croma (Claudia Romagnoli) together with Mirko Pierri, artistic curator of a.DNA project, took place on December 3rd.
Save the Date: Asvis- Festival of Sustainable Development 2021
We look forward to seeing you today, from 17.30 onwards, at Fusolab 2.0 in via della Bella Villa 94, with the round table that we have organized on the occasion of the #FestivalSustainable Development. At the end of the roundtable we remind you that there will be music at Fusolab.
Save the Date: First co-design Session of Public Mural Artwork
Let’s get started with our co-designed mural artworks in Torre Spaccata neighborhood!
Heritage Walks
At spring outbreak the Collaboratory supports heritage walks and tours organised in cooperation with CooperACTiva and other local associations to promote and disseminate Alessandrino, Centocelle and Torre Spaccata districts' cultural heritage.
Save the Date –PartecipARTe Event
Save the Date for the Parteciparte Event on September 25 2021
Save the Date: Living Memory Exhibition - Second meeting with the artist Daniele Tozzi. The participatory work of art begins to take shape
It's time for the Living Memory Exhibition!
Save the Date: Mapping!
The third event in line with the European OpenHeritage project, dedicated to Centocelle by the artist Croma (Claudia Romagnoli) together with Mirko Pierri, artistic curator of a.DNA project, will take place on December 3rd. Afterwards, there will be a dialogue with Isabella Borrelli, Assistant Professor of Gender Politics at Luiss Guido Carli University and Mattia Moschini, socio-pedagogical educator on the theme of inclusion in schools. Finally, there will be a reading of the most beautiful poems from the Caviardage Contest, to pay homage to Pecora Elettrica, historical bookshop in Centocelle. The event is organised with ...
Save the Date!
We are approaching to the end of the OpenHeritage project! The topic of the final workshop will be "Places of culture as spaces of Innovation for sustainable development"
PartecipARTe Event
The first of the events linked to the Living Memory Exhibition PartecipARTe was a success! During the evening all the participants shared a moment of encounter to celebrate the inauguration of the art project by Claudia Romagnoli (in art Croma) and reflect on the meaning of the project. The work, which is now located on one of the facades of the Mercato di Torre Spaccata, can be enjoyed by everyone.
Save the Date
On June 6th, a.DNA together with CooperACTiva and Luiss Guido Carli will present to the children attending the Istituto comrpensivo Antonio Montinaro the mural made on the wall of their school.
Save the Date: HORIZONS- Film & Culture
The title of the podcast defines the dramatic association between the concepts of pandemic and social and economic problems. The intent is to discuss the repercussions that covid-19 has had on the most disadvantaged segments of the population and how it has demonstrated the cracks in a society already affected by inequality.
Living Memory Exhibition - Second meeting with the artist Daniele Tozzi. The participatory work of art begins to take shape
On 4 September at the Parco dei Romanisti, the lettering artist Daniele Tozzi initiated a lively dialogue with local citizens aimed at gathering ideas for his next work of art which will be exhibited near the local market of Torre Spaccata. The meeting was also attended by the curator of urban art Mirko Pierri (a.DNA), the president of the neighborhood cooperative "CooperACTiva". Both talked about the ideas and reasons for the initiative, before giving the floor to the artist's presentation.
First co-design Session of Public Mural Artwork
Wednesday, July 21 was inaugurated the summer cycle of co-design sessions aimed at the creation of the first shared and collective work of art of the neighborhood.
Beginning of Works
Works will finally began: on April 20th, the artist Daniele Tozzi began to work on the creation of the mural on the wall of Istituto comprensivo Antonio Montinaro. After many workshops based on co-design and participatory processes with many different realities of the Torre Spaccata neighbourhood, the great artwork will finally be concluded.
Christmas at Local Market
The Christmas Party was held at the Local Market of Torre Spaccata II in Rome, Saturday December 11th.
Asvis- Festival of Sustainable Development 2021
The Asvis Festival of Sustainable Development was a success! The round table held at Fusolab 2.0 in Via della Bella Villa 94 has celebrated topics in relation to sustainable development and community participation.
The Fifth Faro Convention Network (FCN) at the Venice International University
The Fifth Faro Convention Network (FCN) is an annual gathering organized in the framework of the Faro Convention Action Plan. It took place at the Venice International University on the 7th and 8th of December 2021. The gathering was aimed at exchanging views on the activities and good practices in line with the Faro Convention, which have been implemented by Network members at the local, regional and national levels, to serve as inspiration for present and future projects. Further, the participants discussed specific topics such as visibility, narratives, and authorities’ cooperation. Another focus was to make decisions o...
Works concluded!
With a great pleasure we announce that the final artwork has been concluded!
HORIZONS - Film & Culture
On the past 12th of November, CooperACTiva organized the second event of the OpenHeritage project.
Save the Date: Christmas at Local Market
This Saturday, December 11th, The Christmas Party will be held at the Local Market of Torre Spaccata II in Rome.
Co-Roma - Capacity Building
The project is part of a wider one that is Co-Roma.it (http://co-roma.it/?page_id=2988 (External link)) and consists in the launch of a capacity building path that aims to implement new synergies and provide practical tools to those already working in the field of collaboration for sustainable development in Rome. The aim of the capacity building path is to discover and train new "neighborhood cooperators" who can contribute to the implementation of projects already active in the area, or to generate new forms of urban cooperativism.
Community energies - Capacity building
An open training track to provide the community with theoretical and practical skills that foster the autonomous development of civic entrepreuneurship within the community so as to valorise the high cultural and touristic richness of the Alessandrino, Centocelle and Torre Spaccata districts.
Community Activities
The LUISS LabGov team has scheduled weekly meetings in January and February (8 meetings in total) which will take place at the Fusolab social enterprise. The meetings are aimed to facilitate the launch of the first activity of the cooperative.
European Heritage Days
On Saturday 26th September and Saturday 10th October 2020, on the occasion of the European Heritage Days sponsored every year by the Council of Europe and supported by the Italian Ministry of Heritage, Culture and Tourism (MiBACT), Co-Rome together with the co-district community managing organizations, as for CooperACTiva and the Community for the Public Park of Centocelle (CPPC), organized two days of itinerant walks in the co-district Rome South-East, joining the initiative of the European Heritage Days 2020. The initiative has been supported by LUISS-LabGov.City, OpenHeritage.eu, Fusolab 2.0 and the non-profit organizat...
Co-Roma – Promoting Heritage Value through Cooperation
This article is about the Co-Roma coalition and the activities it is undertaking following the Faro convention principles. The strength of Co-Roma relies in being a coalition of different entities, which allows strategic and inclusive co-governance of urban resources. By co-governance, Co-Roma refers to a collaborative and democratic form of governance which relies on cooperativeness and co-ownership, which enables local citizens to actively participate in the collective use and valorisation of district heritage. Collaborative models of governance have produced ideas such as the current development of electric bike tours,...
Living Memory Exhibition
Starting from Saturday 31st October (10:00-12:00 a.m.) there will be a series of online workshops on the management of art projects related to visual art organized by Co-Roma, in collaboration with CooperACTiva, with the support of Sarteria, a cultural start-up for the promotion of artistic, historical, environmental, literary and cultural heritage (https://sarteria.com/#!/up), and Luiss-LabGov.City.
The capacity building process is part of the activities of OpenHeritage.eu project and is aimed at activating digital workshops that will lead to the creation and implementation of a shared and co-designed artistic exhibition b...
GOV Local Action Plan
Co-design laboratories have been organized in key places of the Co-District, to analyze the needs of territory and to involve the local community in finding solutions to local issues. These laboratories were organized to give the local community the instruments to turn their ideas into action. The laboratories are run by professional service designers and hosts thematic experts. Meetings and co-design sessions planned with the local community/local stakeholders from November 2018 to April 2019.
All the events related to the Living Memory Exhibition!
Created at
28/10/2021 - Processes: 15