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Presentation Laboratory with the School "Antonio Montinaro"
About this process
This process belongs to Living Memory Exhibition
On June 6th, a.DNA together with CooperACTiva and Luiss Guido Carli will present to the children attending the Istituto comrpensivo Antonio Montinaro the mural made on the wall of their school.
The artwork called “Tutti Assieme” by Daniele Tozzi and curated by Mirko Pierri has been concluded. It is a product of various co-design workshops with different subject of the neighborhood among which a special role had children of the "Antonio Montinaro" school. As a reminder, on February 17 two meetings were held at the Istituto comprensivo Antonio Montinaro organized by CooperACTiva, in collaboration with Luiss, LabGov, Co-Roma and a.DNA. The associations met with the children of two classes, a fifth grade and a sixth grade, to co-create a participatory work on the wall of the school, in which the children had the opportunity to suggest potential words to be included in the work.
The major importance of this laboratory is to teach the children that their voice is important and this artwork is the product of it. They will also have the opportunity to hear again about the Open Heritage project and the principles on which it is based, but also learn the artistic processes of the creation of the murales.