HORIZONS - Film & Culture
#Horizons (External link) Living Memory Exhibition
A participatory process is a sequence of participatory activities (e.g. first filling out a survey, then making proposals, discussing them in face-to-face or virtual meetings, and finally prioritizing them) with the aim of defining and making a decision on a specific topic.
Examples of participatory processes are: a process of electing committee members (where candidatures are first presented, then debated and finally a candidacy is chosen), participatory budgets (where proposals are made, valued economically and voted on with the money available), a strategic planning process, the collaborative drafting of a regulation or norm, the design of an urban space or the production of a public policy plan.
About this process
This process belongs to Living Memory Exhibition
On the past 12th of November, CooperACTiva organized the second event of the OpenHeritage project.
As the main event, the preview of the podcast "Sindemia" was presented. The title of the podcast defines the dramatic association between the concepts of pandemic and social and economic problems. This was followed by a screening of the film Nomadland.
The podcast "Sindemia" is scripted and written by Stefano Bises with I Diavoli, produced for Chora Media and with Matteo Miavaldi and Guido Bertolotti. It has been edited by several important authors and with their voices: Luca Pisapia, Francesca Coin, Andrea Capocci, Vittorio Agnoletto, Stefano Liberti, Guido Brera, David Quammen, Gino Strada and more. Some of them spoke in a sensory environment, and the preview was more than just listening.
We would like to thank in particular those who support the Living Memory Exhibition: OpenHeritage.euLabGov - LABoratory for the GOVernance of the city as a commonsLuiss Guido Carli, Fusolab 2.0, Miriam Ali who moderated the evening, and the producers of the podcast "Sindemia" Chora Media and all the authors.