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Processi evidenziati

Media picture: Works concluded!

Works concluded!

With a great pleasure we announce that the final artwork has been concluded!
Media picture: PartecipARTe Event

PartecipARTe Event

The first of the events linked to the Living Memory Exhibition PartecipARTe was a success! During the evening all the participants shared a moment of encounter to celebrate the inauguration of the art project by Claudia Romagnoli (in art Croma) and reflect on the meaning of the project. The work, wh…
Media picture: Save the Date: HORIZONS- Film & Culture

Save the Date: HORIZONS- Film & Culture

The title of the podcast defines the dramatic association between the concepts of pandemic and social and economic problems. The intent is to discuss the repercussions that covid-19 has had on the most disadvantaged segments of the population and how it has demonstrated the cracks in a society alrea…
Media picture: Living Memory Exhibition - Second meeting with the artist Daniele Tozzi. The participatory work of art begins to take shape

Living Memory Exhibition - Second meeting with the artist Daniele Tozzi. The participatory work of art begins to take shape

On 4 September at the Parco dei Romanisti, the lettering artist Daniele Tozzi initiated a lively dialogue with local citizens aimed at gathering ideas for his next work of art which will be exhibited near the local market of Torre Spaccata. The meeting was also attended by the curator of urban art M…
Media picture: First co-design Session of Public Mural Artwork

First co-design Session of Public Mural Artwork

Wednesday, July 21 was inaugurated the summer cycle of co-design sessions aimed at the creation of the first shared and collective work of art of the neighborhood.
Media picture:  Save the Date –PartecipARTe Event

Save the Date –PartecipARTe Event

Save the Date for the Parteciparte Event on September 25 2021
Media picture: Save the Date:  Mapping!

Save the Date: Mapping!

The third event in line with the European OpenHeritage project, dedicated to Centocelle by the artist Croma (Claudia Romagnoli) together with Mirko Pierri, artistic curator of a.DNA project, will take place on December 3rd. Afterwards, there will be a dialogue with Isabella Borrelli, Assistant Profe…
Media picture: Co-creative participatory work on the wall of the school

Co-creative participatory work on the wall of the school

On February 17 two meetings were held at the Istituto comprensivo Antonio Montinaro organized by CooperACTiva, in collaboration with Luiss, LabGov, Co-Roma and a.DNA. The associations met with the children of two classes, a fifth grade and a sixth grade, to co-create a participatory work on the wall…
Media picture: SAVE THE DATE:  Workshop at the Theatre of the Parish of St. Bonaventure "John Paul II, Actor" on the 22nd March

SAVE THE DATE: Workshop at the Theatre of the Parish of St. Bonaventure "John Paul II, Actor" on the 22nd March

On Tuesday, 22 March, at 6.30 p.m. at the Theatre of the parish of St. Bonaventure "John Paul II, Actor" a workshop will be held with the Torre Spaccata Network. Dr. Maria Rosaria D'Alfonso, Headmaster of the Istituto Comprensivo "Antonio Montinaro" will present some proposals for an educational pro…
Media picture: M´appare


The third event in line with the European OpenHeritage project, dedicated to Centocelle by the artist Croma (Claudia Romagnoli) together with Mirko Pierri, artistic curator of a.DNA project, took place on December 3rd.
Media picture: Save the Date: Living Memory Exhibition - Second meeting with the artist Daniele Tozzi. The participatory work of art begins to take shape

Save the Date: Living Memory Exhibition - Second meeting with the artist Daniele Tozzi. The participatory work of art begins to take shape

It's time for the Living Memory Exhibition!
Media picture: Save the Date: First co-design Session of Public Mural Artwork

Save the Date: First co-design Session of Public Mural Artwork

Let’s get started with our co-designed mural artworks in Torre Spaccata neighborhood! 
Media picture: Save the Date: Asvis- Festival of Sustainable Development 2021

Save the Date: Asvis- Festival of Sustainable Development 2021

We look forward to seeing you today, from 17.30 onwards, at Fusolab 2.0 in via della Bella Villa 94, with the round table that we have organized on the occasion of the #FestivalSustainable Development. At the end of the roundtable we remind you that there will be music at Fusolab.
Media picture: Heritage Walks

Heritage Walks

At spring outbreak the Collaboratory supports heritage walks and tours organised in cooperation with CooperACTiva and other local associations to promote and disseminate Alessandrino, Centocelle and Torre Spaccata districts' cultural heritage.
Media picture: Save the Date

Save the Date

On June 6th, a.DNA together with CooperACTiva and Luiss Guido Carli will present to the children attending the Istituto comrpensivo Antonio Montinaro the mural made on the wall of their school.
Media picture: Save the Date!

Save the Date!

We are approaching to the end of the OpenHeritage project! The topic of the final workshop will be "Places of culture as spaces of Innovation for sustainable development"

Christmas at Local Market

The Christmas Party was held at the Local Market of Torre Spaccata II in Rome, Saturday December 11th.
Media picture: Asvis- Festival of Sustainable Development 2021

Asvis- Festival of Sustainable Development 2021

The Asvis Festival of Sustainable Development was a success! The round table held at Fusolab 2.0 in Via della Bella Villa 94 has celebrated topics in relation to sustainable development and community participation.
Media picture: The Fifth Faro Convention Network (FCN) at the Venice International University

The Fifth Faro Convention Network (FCN) at the Venice International University

The Fifth Faro Convention Network (FCN) is an annual gathering organized in the framework of the Faro Convention Action Plan. It took place at the Venice International University on the 7th and 8th of December 2021. The gathering was aimed at exchanging views on the activities and good practices in …
Media picture: HORIZONS - Film & Culture

HORIZONS - Film & Culture

On the past 12th of November, CooperACTiva organized the second event of the OpenHeritage project.
Media picture: Beginning of Works

Beginning of Works

Works will finally began: on April 20th, the artist Daniele Tozzi began to work on the creation of the mural on the wall of Istituto comprensivo Antonio Montinaro. After many workshops based on co-design and participatory processes with many different realities of the Torre Spaccata neighbourhood, t…
Media picture: Save the Date: Christmas at Local Market

Save the Date: Christmas at Local Market

This Saturday, December 11th, The Christmas Party will be held at the Local Market of Torre Spaccata II in Rome.
Media picture: SAVE THE DATE : Two creative workshop meetings with children of the Istituto comprensivo Antonio Montinaro!

SAVE THE DATE : Two creative workshop meetings with children of the Istituto comprensivo Antonio Montinaro!

On the 17th February there will be held two meetings at the Istituto comprensivo Antonio Montinaro organized by CooperACTiva, in collaboration with Luiss, LabGov, Co-Roma and a.DNA. The associations will meet the children of two classes, a fifth grade and a sixth grade, to co-create a participatory …

Energie di comunità

Un percorso formativo aperto a tutti che fornisce competenze teoriche e pratiche affinché la comunità locale possa avere gli strumenti per sviluppare autonomamente attività di imprenditorialità civica per la valorizzazione culturale e turistica del distretto Alessandrino, Centocelle, Torre Spaccata
Media picture: Community Activities

Community Activities

The LUISS LabGov team has scheduled a weekly meeting in January and February (8 meetings in total) which will take place at the Fusolab social enterprise. The meeting will be aimed at facilitating the start-up of the first activity of the cooperatives.
Media picture: Capacity building  w/

Capacity building w/

Il percorso fa capo a un progetto più ampio che è quello di ( e consiste nell’avvio di un percorso di capacity building che ha l’obiettivo di attuare nuove sinergie e di fornire strumenti pratici a chi già opera nel campo della collaborazione per lo svilupp…
Media picture: European Heritage Days

European Heritage Days

On Saturday 26th September and Saturday 10th October 2020, on the occasion of the European Heritage Days sponsored every year by the Council of Europe and supported by the Italian Ministry of Heritage, Culture and Tourism (MiBACT), Co-Rome together with the co-district community managing organizatio…
Media picture: GOV Local Action Plan

GOV Local Action Plan

At 5 p.m on Thursday 21rst of March, at the Area Camper L.G.P (via Casilina, 700 in Rome), will be held Rome Collaboratory’s second co-planning session. Rome Collaboratory is one of the 6 working fields to experiment sustainable models for the revalorization of European cities’ cultural Heritage.
Media picture: Co-Roma – Promoting Heritage Value through Cooperation

Co-Roma – Promoting Heritage Value through Cooperation

This article is about the Co-Roma coalition and the activities it is undertaking following the Faro convention principles. The strength of Co-Roma relies in being a coalition of different entities, which allows strategic and inclusive co-governance of urban resources. By co-governance, Co-Roma refer…
Media picture: Living Memory Exhibition

Living Memory Exhibition

Starting from Saturday 31st October (10:00-12:00 a.m.) there will be a series of online workshops on the management of art projects related to visual art organized by Co-Roma, in collaboration with CooperACTiva, with the support of Sarteria, a cultural start-up for the promotion of artistic, histori…

1 processo attivo