SAVE THE DATE: Workshop at the Theatre of the Parish of St. Bonaventure "John Paul II, Actor" on the 22nd March
22nd March 6PM
Informazioni su questo processo
On Tuesday, 22 March, at 6.30 p.m. at the Theatre of the parish of St. Bonaventure "John Paul II, Actor" a workshop will be held with the Torre Spaccata Network.
Dr. Maria Rosaria D'Alfonso, Headmaster of the Istituto Comprensivo "Antonio Montinaro" will present some proposals for an educational project that would involve CooperACTiva.
Among the other participants, at the meeting there will be present:
- Prof. Fernando Christian Iaione - Professor of Constitutional Law at Luiss Guido Carli Rome.
- Ilaria Cini - CooperACTiva will present the project, the mural that is being prepared and some future projects.
The organization of the workshop aims to present the OpenHeritage project and its activities to the Torre Spaccata Network. In the context of “the Horizon 2020” Research and Innovation Programme, with the aim of identifying and testing new models of collaborative governance in the urban environment in order to contribute to the production of culturally-based urban regeneration processes.
The activities are inspired by the principles developed by the Laboratory for the Governance of the City as a Common Good (LabGov) and by the "Co-Roma" protocol, which summarise processes, principles, and tools useful to bring together the civic, social, economic, cognitive and institutional forces of the cities. The project, reflecting these principles, aims to support the development of activities in the territories that want to innovate traditional urban planning schemes, urban welfare models and forms of local economic development, based on sharing, collaboration, cooperation for the common good and common goods. Culture, in line with the principles sanctioned by the Council of Europe within the Framework Convention on the Value of Cultural Heritage for Society (the so-called Faro Convention), thus becomes the engine of sustainable and inclusive territorial development.
Specifically, as well as summarising the philosophy of the project, the presentations will be an opportunity to share with local stakeholders one of the project's latest activities, the work that will be carried out in the "Antonio Montinaro" school. In addition, the meeting will be an opportunity to present the Co-Roma partnership, the first Heritage Community in Rome, and its actors in order to encourage an exchange of ideas and actions for the development of the territory.
The event has been organised by the parish priest Don Stefano at the request of Dr Maria Rosaria D'Alfonso, headmistress of the Istituto Comprensivo "Antonio Montinaro", who will present some proposals for an educational project that would involve the associative network of the Torre Spaccata neighborhood. During the session, three speeches will deal directly with Open Heritage projects and present their activities. It is expected that Prof. Christian Ferdinando Iaione, Professor, Luiss and Co-Director of LabGov.City, and Ilaria Cini on behalf of CooperACTiva will contribute to the discussion.